Kayla Pinzur, SPT Inservice -- Elevate Your Dancers
Join Melissa's student, Kayla, for a thorough view on how to improve dancers' health and wellness
Unlock Your Feet Lecture
Follow along as Melissa discusses:
Foot and ankle function
How things connect
Foot exercises -
Strength Training - 6 Exercises
Quad to Bear
1/2 Kneeling Reach Down
Reverse Lunge twist
Curtsy Squat with diamond hold
Kickstand Deadlift + Row
March suitcase hold -
Unweight Forced Arch
All things SLEEP lecture
This 20 minute chat discusses the basics of sleep hygiene, circadian rhythm, implication to PT, and tons of tips to help your sleep.
Standing KTC QS
Band Bicycle
Dynamic Calf Stretch
Breath and Mobility - Full Body
We start with banded breathing to help increase posterior/back rib expansion. From there, we move into an open book movement for the upper thoracic spine and rib cage then moving into a lower trunk rotation to help mobilize the lower thoracic, lumbar spine and hips. From there, we help to mobil...
Awake and Breathing Movement Class - 35 minutes
This is a beginner level class designed for all ages and movement backgrounds. Starting with specific breath exercises, leading into full body, restorative, rejuvenating movements.
Originally presented with The Dance Complex
5 Min Warm Up
This fast-paced warm up was designed to quickly warm up your body with a constant focus on the breath moving properly through your body.
Yoga based movement flow - 10 minutes
This flow is geared to dynamically lengthening your limbs while stimulated stability and centering throughout the center of the body.
Self Massage Techniques for the Hips and Thighs - 57 minutes
Grab a foam roller, lacrosse ball, towel, lotion and your hands. Melissa will guide you along through self massage techniques to help release your hips and thighs (and probably your low back too!)
Recenter and Recalibrate Movement Lecture - 52 minutes
This is a 51 minute lecture and movement chat all about techniques and movements geared towards reconnecting your mind to body using basic breathing techniques and heightened awareness. Designed for all levels and backgrounds
Originally presented with the Dance Complex -
10 minute hip/low back flow
This yoga/rehab based flow is help activate the center while opening up the hips. Keep connected to the breathe throughout.
1/2 kneeling reach-down rotation
The aim of this exercise is to mobilize the mid (thoracic) spine while also challenging the rotator cuff of the upper arm as well as working the dynamic control of the legs.
Hip flexion into reverse lunge
Adding a plyometric (jump) aspect to a lunge adds a greater challenge to the standing leg while also adding a cardiovascular element.
Triangle Breathing Meditation
This triangle meditation is aimed to help linking breath to the diaphragm and the pelvic floor.
Progression Kickstand Deadlift and Hip Rotation w/small ball
This progression targets both moving leg and standing leg; Use of the small ball behind the knee helps to increase activation of the post chain.
Kickstand clamshell with band - Intermediate/Advanced
This is an intermediate/advanced combo exercise designed to strength the hip stabilizers and hamstrings.
Cardio ball taps - All Levels
This cardio/fitness exercise uses a small ball and is appropriate for all levels.
Cross Kick Animal Roll - Advanced
This combo exercise is called cross kick into an animal roll.
Heal Your Hamstrings Lecture- Performing Arts Edition - 71 minutes
Melissa will discuss all things hamstrings, particularly if you're a performing artist. This lecture is for all levels and backgrounds.